Every Kid in a Park
By participating in the Every Kid in a Park program,you can visit and learn about your federal lands and waters right now. Ignite a passion for history and culture and spark a lifelong commitment to saving places that matter. Learn about opportunities for classroom activities or ways to become involved in protecting these special places. Beginning September 1, 2015, if you are a US 4th grader (including home-schooled and free-choice learners 10 years of age) you can download your own voucher to gain unlimited, free access to any federal lands or waters for a year. Who is included in the voucher or pass? Getting a pass is simple! Visit the “Get Your Pass” section of www.everykidinapark.gov, complete an online game, and download a personalized voucher for print and use at federal lands and waters locations. This paper voucher can be exchanged for a more durable, Interagency Annual 4th Grade Pass at certain federal lands or waters sites. Visit online at https://store.usgs.gov/pass/PassIssuanceList.pdf for a complete list of locations that issue passes.

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